Blast furnace iron making solutions

Blast furnace iron making solutions

Blast furnace iron making process

With rich experience in turnkey solutions of iron and steel work, MET is naturally proficient in researching the market’s needs and trend, giving professional and scientific estimation, to combine customer’s idea with the market change, then accordingly offer advice in accordance with the current demand and future trend from the perspective of customers.

Iron ore is the raw material of making iron, and iron is the important material for the downstream steel production industries. The most common method of making iron or iron extraction is using the blast furnace, whose main fuel is metallurgical coke with high fixed carbon content and high calorific value. Main output are pig iron and slag, pig iron is the essential material for foundry and steel making plant. The complete production process solution MET provides includes beneficiation, sintering machine, coking furnace, blast furnace, iron caster.

MET independently designs and supplies the tailor-made blast furnace for each customer according to exact demand and condition. Customized most scientific blast furnace iron making solution for each client.
